
1、We had a good time at the party.我们聚会上玩的很开心。


3、七年级英语下册59页2b短文翻译: What would people like to eat on their birthday?The answer would be different in different countries. 在生日那天,人们更倾向于选择什么饮食来庆生呢?答案部分因国籍的不同而相差很大。


中国(China)生日宴会上,家人和朋友一起吃面条,祝长寿。At Chinas birthday party, family and friends eat noodles to wish them a long life.西班牙(Spain)许多人会在生日那天被拉耳朵,这是一个旧习俗。

a lunar calendar and a Gregorian calendar.中国人新的一岁开始于农历新年的大年初一,也就是说除夕过后,每个人就长了一岁。所以新年“辞旧迎新”的意味里面还有岁数的一定含义。而一般过生日还是习惯使用农历。

问题五:各国生日时必吃的东西有哪些 巴西人过生日的食品是糖果。冰岛人过生日常吃带蜜饯的薄饼。英国人过生日全天庆祝。在学校里,过生日的孩子常被抓住胳膊和脚脖举起来,每年一次,预示长高。


My Happy Day 《快乐的一天》Today is my birthday.My parents helped me to hare a birthday party.I have invited all of my classmates to my house to celebrate the day.今天是我的生日。

we ate the birthday cake. mother said that she is fashionable, too. I love my mother and I always give my best wishes to her.今天是奶奶的生日,她近年80岁了。我的家人为她举办了一次隆重的庆祝。

I had my birthday last Sunday. My parents had a birthday party at home. I invited my friends to the party.我上个周日过了生日。我的爸爸妈妈在家里给我办了个生日聚会。我邀请了我的好朋友。
